TripleO Undercloud

Deploys a TripleO undercloud

Setup an Undercloud

  • --version: TripleO release to install.

    Accepts either an integer for RHEL-OSP release, or a community release name (Liberty, Mitaka, Newton, etc…) for RDO release

  • --build: Specify a build date or a label for the repositories.

    Supports any rhos-release labels. Examples: passed_phase1, 2016-08-11.1, Y1, Z3, GA Not used in case of RDO.

  • --buildmods: Let you the option to add flags to rhos-release:

    pin - Pin puddle (dereference ‘latest’ links to prevent content from changing). This is the default flag.
    flea - Enable flea repos.
    unstable - This will enable brew repos or poodles (in old releases).
    none - Use none of those flags.


--buildmods and --build flags are for internal Red Hat users only.

  • --enable-testing-repos: Let you the option to enable testing/pending repos with rhos-release. Multiple values

    have to be coma separated. Examples: --enable-testing-repos rhel,extras,ceph or --enable-testing-repos all

  • --cdn Register the undercloud with a Red Hat Subscription Management platform.

    Accepts a file with subscription details.

     username: user
     password: HIDDEN_PASS
     autosubscribe: yes
     server_insecure: yes

    For the full list of supported input, see the module documentation.


    Pre-registered undercloud are also supported if --cdn flag is missing.


    The contents of the file are hidden from the logged output, to protect private account credentials.

  • --from-source Build tripleo components from the upstream git repository.

    Accepts list of tripleo components. The delorean project is used to build rpm packages. For more information about delorean, visit Delorean documentation.

    To deploy specific tripleo components from git repository:

    infrared tripleo-undercloud --version 13 \
      --from-source name=openstack/python-tripleoclient \
      --from-source name=openstack/neutron,refs=refs/changes/REF_ID \
      --from-source name=openstack/puppet-neutron


    • This feature is supported by OSP 13 or RDO queens versions.
    • This feature is expiremental and should be used only for development.


In case of virsh deployment ipxe-roms-qemu will be installed on hypervisor node.
This package can be found in a rhel-server repo in case of RedHat and in Base repo in case of CentOS

To deploy a working undercloud:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --version 10

For better fine-tuning of packages, see custom repositories.

Overcloud Images

The final part of the undercloud installation calls for creating the images from which the OverCloud will be later created.

  • Depending on --images-task these the undercloud can be either:

    • build images:

      Build the overcloud images from a fresh guest image. To use a different image than the default CentOS cloud guest image, use --images-url to define base image than CentOS. For OSP installation, you must provide a url of a valid RHEL image.

    • import images from url:

      Download pre-built images from a given --images-url.

    • Download images via rpm:

      Starting from OSP 8, TripleO is packages with pre-built images avialable via RPM.

      To use different RPM, use --images-url to define the location of the RPM. You need to provide all dependencies of the remote RPM. Locations have to be separated with comma


      This option is invalid for RDO installation.

  • Use --images-packages to define a list of additional packages to install on the OverCloud image. Packages can be specified by name or by providing direct url to the rpm file.

  • Use --images-remove-packages to define a list of packages to uninstall from the OverCloud image. Packages must be specified by name.

  • Use --images-remove-no-deps-packages to define a list of packages to force uninstall from the overcloud image. Packages must be specified by name and seperated by a comma. This is useful in a scenario where there is a requirment to uninstall a certain RPM package without removing its dependencies.


    This task executes rpm -e –nodeps command which will cause RPM DB to be out of sync

  • --images-cleanup tells infrared do remove the images files original after they are uploaded to the undercloud’s Glance service.

To configure overcloud images:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --images-task rpm


This assumes an undercloud was already installed and will skip installation stage because --version is missing.

When using RDO (or for OSP 7), rpm strategy in unavailable. Use import with --images-url to download overcloud images from web:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --images-task import --images-url


The RDO overcloud images can be also found here:

If pre-packaged images are unavailable, tripleo can build the images locally on top of a regular cloud guest image:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --images-task build

CentOS or RHEL guest images will be used for RDO and OSP respectively. To use a different image specify --images-url:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --images-task build --images-url


building the images takes a long time and it’s usually quicker to download them.

In order to update default overcloud image kernel provided by sources (for example RPM), with the latest kernel present on overcloud image, specify overcloud-update-kernel.


when installing kernel-rt inside overcloud guest image, the latest RealTime kernel will be used instead of default kernel.

See the RDO deployment page for more details on how to setup RDO product.

Undercloud Configuration

Undercloud is configured according to undercloud.conf file. Use --config-file to provide this file, or let infrared generate one automatically, based on a sample file provided by the project. Use --config-options to provide a list of section.option=value that will override specific fields in it.

Use the --ssl=yes option to install enable SSL on the undercloud. If used, a self-signed SSL cert will be generated.

Custom Repositories

Add custom repositories to the undercloud, after installing the TripleO repositories.

  • --repos-config setup repos using the ansible yum_repository module.

    Using this option enables you to set specific options for each repository:

         - name: my_repo1
           file: my_repo1.file
           description: my repo1
           enabled: 0
           gpgcheck: 0
         - name: my_repo2
           file: my_repo2.file
           description: my repo2
           enabled: 0
           gpgcheck: 0


    This expicitly supports some of the options found in yum_repository module (name, file, description, baseurl, enabled and gpgcheck). For more information about this module, visit Ansible yum_repository documentation.


    Custom repos generate by --repos-config can be uploaded to Overcloud guest image by specifying --upload-extra-repos true

  • repos-urls: comma separated list of URLs to download repo files to /etc/yum.repos.d

Both options can be used together:

infrared tripleo-undercloud [...] --repos-config repos_config.yml --repos-urls ","

TripleO Undercloud User

--user-name and --user-password define a user, with password, for the undercloud. Acorrding to TripleO guidelines, the default username is stack. User will be created if necessary. .. note:: Stack user password needs to be changed in case of public deployments


When working on a virtual environment, infrared can create a snapshot of the installed undercloud that can be later used to restore it on a future run, thus saving installation time.

In order to use this feature, first follow the Setup an Undercloud section. Once an undercloud VM is up and ready, run the following:

ir tripleo-undercloud --snapshot-backup yes

Or optionally, provide the file name of the image to create (defaults to “undercloud-snapshot.qcow2”). .. note:: the filename refers to a path on the hypervisor.

ir tripleo-undercloud –snapshot-backup yes –snapshot-filename custom-name.qcow2

This will prepare a qcow2 image of your undercloud ready for usage with Restore.


this assumes an undercloud is already installed and will skip installation and images stages.


When working on a virtual environment, infrared can use a pre-made undercloud image to quickly set up an environment. To use this feature, simply run:

ir tripleo-undercloud --snapshot-restore yes

Or optionally, provide the file name of the image to restore from (defaults to “undercloud-snapshot.qcow2”). .. note:: the filename refers to a path on the hypervisor.

Undercloud Upgrade

Upgrade is discovering current Undercloud version and upgrade it to the next major one. To upgrade Undercloud run the following command:

infrared tripleo-undercloud -v --upgrade yes


The Overcloud won’t need new images to upgrade to. But you’d need to upgrade the images for OC nodes before you attempt to scale out nodes. Example for Undercloud upgrade and images update:

infrared tripleo-undercloud -v --upgrade yes --images-task rpm


Currently, there is upgrade possibility from version 9 to version 10 only.


Upgrading from version 11 to version 12 isn’t supported via the tripleo-undercloud plugin anymore. Please check the tripleo-upgrade plugin for 11 to 12 upgrade instructions.

Undercloud Update

Update is discovering current Undercloud version and perform minor version update. To update Undercloud run the following command:

infrared tripleo-undercloud -v --update-undercloud yes

Example for update of Undercloud and Images:

infrared tripleo-undercloud -v --update-undercloud yes --images-task rpm


Infrared support update for RHOSP from version 8.

Undercloud Workarounds

Allow injecting workarounds defined in an external file before/after the undercloud installation:

infrared tripleo-undercloud -v --workarounds 'http://server.localdomain/workarounds.yml'

The workarounds can be either patches posted on or arbitrary shell commands. Below is an example of a workarounds file:


  - BZ#1623061:
     patch: false
     basedir: ''
     id: ''
     # patchlevel is optional and defaults to 1
     patchlevel: 2
     command: 'touch /home/stack/pre_workaround_applied'


  - BZ#1637589:
     patch: true
     basedir: '/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/'
     id: '601277'
     command: ''

TLS Everywhere

Setup TLS Everywhere with FreeIPA.

tls-everywhere: It will install FreeIPA on first node from freeipa group and it will configure undercloud for TLS Everywhere.