
A topology is a description of an environment you wish to provision. We have divided it into two, network topology and nodes topology.

Nodes topology

Before creating our environment, we need to decide how many and what type of nodes to create. The following format is used to provide topology nodes:

infrared <provisioner_plugin> --topology-nodes NODENAME:AMOUNT

where NODENAME refers to files under vars/topology/nodes/NODENAME.yml (or defaults/topology/nodes/NODENAME.yml) and AMOUNT refers to the amount of nodes from the NODENAME we wish to create.

For example, if we choose the Virsh provisioner:

infrared virsh --topology-nodes undercloud:1,controller:3 ...

The above command will create 1 VM of type undercloud and 3 VMs of type controller

For any node that is provided in the CLI --topology-nodes flag, infrared looks for the node first under vars/topology/nodes/NODENAME.yml and if not found, under default/topology/nodes/NODENAME.yml where we supply a default set of supported / recommended topology files.

Lets examine the structure of topology file (located: var/topology/nodes/controller.yml):

name: controller       # the name of the VM to create, in case of several of the same type, appended with "-#"
prefix: null           # in case we wish to add a prefix to the name
cpu: "4"               # number of vCPU to assign for the VM
memory: "8192"         # the amount of memory
swap: "0"              # swap allocation for the VM
disks:                 # number of disks to create per VM
    disk1:             # the below values are passed `as is` to virt-install
        import_url: null
        path: "/var/lib/libvirt/images"
        dev: "/dev/vda"
        size: "40G"
        cache: "unsafe"
        preallocation: "metadata"
interfaces:            # define the VM interfaces and to which network they should be connected
        network: "data"
        network: "management"
        network: "external"
external_network: management  # define what will be the default external network
groups:                       # ansible groups to assign to the newly created VM
    - controller
    - openstack_nodes
    - overcloud_nodes
    - network

For more topology file examples, please check out the default available nodes

To override default values in the topology dict the extra vars can be provided through the CLI. For example, to add more memory to the controller node, the override.controller.memory value should be set:

infrared virsh --topology-nodes controller:1,compute:1 -e override.controller.memeory=30720

Network topology

Before creating our environment, we need to decide number and types of networks to create. The following format is used to provide topology networks:

infrared <provisioner_plugin> --topology-network NET_TOPOLOGY

where NET_TOPOLOGY refers to files under vars/topology/network/NET_TOPOLOGY.yml (or if not found, defaults/topology/network/NET_TOPOLOGY.yml)

To make it easier for people, we have created a default network topology file called: 3_nets.yml (you can find it under each provisioner plugin defaults/topology/network/3_nets.yml) that will be created automatically.

For example, if we choose the Virsh provisioner:

infrared virsh --topology-network 3_nets ...

The above command will create 3 networks: (based on the specification under defaults/topology/network/3_nets.yml)

# data network - an isolated network # management network - NAT based network with a DHCP # external network - NAT based network with DHCP

If we look in the 3_nets.yml file, we will see this:

        name: "management"                 # the network name
        external_connectivity: yes         # whether we want it externally accessible
        ip_address: ""           # the IP address of the bridge
        netmask: ""
        forward:                           # forward method
            type: "nat"
        dhcp:                              # omit this if you don't want a DHCP
            range:                         # the DHCP range to provide on that network
                start: ""
                end: ""
            subnet_cidr: ""
            subnet_gateway: ""
        floating_ip:                       # whether you want to "save" a range for assigning IPs
            start: ""
            end: ""

To override default values in the network dict the extra vars can be provided through the CLI. For example, to change ip address of net2 network, the override.networks.net2.ip_address value should be set:

infrared virsh --topology-nodes controller:1,compute:1 -e override.networks.net2.ip_address=