
Supported distros

Currently supported distros are:

  • Fedora 22, 23
  • RHEL 7.2 (best effort only, deprecated)
  • RHEL 7.3


Python 2.7 and virtualenv are required.



Sudo or root access is needed to install prerequisities!

General requirements:

sudo dnf/yum install git gcc libffi-devel openssl-devel sshpass


Dependencies explained:

  • git - version control of this project
  • gcc - used for compilation of C backends for various libraries
  • libffi-devel - required by cffi
  • openssl-devel - required by cryptography
  • sshpass - required by wait_for ansible module

Closed Virtualenv is required to create clean python environment separated from system:

sudo dnf/yum install python-virtualenv

Ansible requires python binding for SELinux:

sudo dnf/yum install libselinux-python

otherwise it won’t be able to run modules with copy/file/template functions!


libselinux-python is in Prerequisites but doesn’t have a pip package. It must be installed on system level.


Ansible requires also libselinux-python installed on all nodes using copy/file/template functions. Without this step all such tasks will fail!


InfraRed shares many dependencies with other OpenStack products and projects. Therefore there’s a high probability of conflicts with python dependencies, which would result either with InfraRed failure, or worse, with breaking dependencies for other OpenStack products. When working from source, it is recommended to use python virtualenv to avoid corrupting the system packages:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate


It is mandatory that latest pip is used (especially in when working with RHEL)!

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools


On Fedora 23 with EPEL repository enabled, RHBZ#1103566 also requires:

dnf install redhat-rpm-config


Clone stable branch from Github repository:

git clone -b stable

Install InfraRed from source:

cd InfraRed
pip install .


For development work it’s better to install in editable mode and work with master branch

git checkout master
pip install -e .



InfraRed only requires explicit configuraion file when non-default values are used.

InfraRed will look for infrared.cfg in the following order:

  1. Environment variable: $IR_CONFIG=/my/config/infrared.cfg
  2. In working directory: ./infrared.cfg
  3. In user home directory: ~/.infrared.cfg
  4. In system settings: /etc/infrared/infrared.cfg

If no configuration file is supplied, InfraRed will load default values as listed in ``infrared.cfg.example

Set up ansible config if it was not configured already:

cp ansible.cfg.example ansible.cfg

Additional settings

In InfraRed configuration file, you can adjust where ansible looks for directories and entry/cleanup playbooks:

 InfraRed configuration file
 # ===========================

 settings  = settings
 modules   = library
 roles     = roles
 playbooks = playbooks

 main_playbook = provision.yml
 cleanup_playbook = cleanup.yml

 main_playbook = install.yml
 cleanup_playbook = cleanup.yml

 main_playbook = test.yml
 cleanup_playbook = cleanup.yml

Private settings

Infrared allows user to define several folders to store settings and spec files. This can be used, for example, to store public and private settings separately. To define additional settings folders edit the settings option in the Infrared configuration file:

settings  = settings:private_settings


InfraRed tool must be tied to infrastructure at certain level, therefore requires part of configuration not shared publicly. It is assumed this part will be located in private settings.

For more questions please contact us.

Virthost machine

Virthost machine is the target machine where InfraRed’s virsh provisioner will create virtual machines and networks (using libvirt) to emulate baremetal infrastructure.

As such there are few specific requirements it has to meet.

Generally, It needs to have enough memory and disk storage to hold multiple decent VMs (each with GBytes of RAM and dozens of GB of disk). Also for acceptable responsiveness (speed of deployment/testing) just <4 threads or low GHz CPU is not a recommended choice (if you have old and weaker CPU than current mid-high end mobile phone CPU you may suffer performance wise - and so more timeouts during deployment or in tests).

Especially, for Ironic (TripleO) to control them, those libvirt VMs need to be bootable/controllable for iPXE provisioning. And also extra user has to exist, which can ssh in the virthost and control (restart...) libvirt VMs.


InfraRed is currently attempting to configure or validate all (most) of this but it’s scattered across all provisiner/installer steps. Due to nature of installers such as OSPd and current InfraRed structure it may not be 100% safe for rerunning (failure in previous run may prevent following one from succeeding in these preparation steps). We are currently working on a more idempotent approach which should resolve the above issues (if present).

What user has to provide:

  • have machine with sudoer user ssh access and enough resources, as minimum requirements for one VM are:
    • VCPU: 2|4|8
    • RAM: 8|16
    • HDD: 40GB+
    • in practice disk may be smaller, as they are thin provisioned, as long as you don’t force writing all the data (aka Tempest with rhel-guest instead of cirros etc)
  • tested is just RHEL-7.3 as OS, with also CentOS expected to work
    • may work with other distributions (best-effort/limited support)
  • yum repositories has to be preconfigured by user (foreman/...) before using InfraRed so it can install dependencies
    • esp. for InfraRed to handle ipxe-roms-qemu it requires either RHEL-7.3-server channel, or (deprecated) RHEL-7.2 with OSP<10 channels (10+ is 7.3)

What InfraRed takes care of:

  • ipxe-roms-qemu package of at least version 2016xxyy needs to be installed
  • other basic packages installed
    • libvirt, libguestfs{-tools,-xfs}, qemu-kvm, wget, virt-install
    • virt-manager, xorg-x11-apps, xauth, virt-viewer possibly for debugging (or multiple ssh tunnels can be used)
  • virtualization support (VT-x/AMD-V)
    • ideally with nested=1 support
  • stack user created with polkit privileges for org.libvirt.unix.manage
  • ssh key with which InfraRed can authenticate (created and) added for root and stack user, atm they are handled differently/separately:
    • for root the infared/ gets added to authorized_keys
    • for stack infrared/ is added to authorized_keys, created/added later during installation