
Red Hatters

RedHat Employees should submit their changes via Only members of the rhosqeauto-core group on GerritHub can submit and approve patches, while members of rhosqeauto-contrib can submit patches. You can ask any of the current members to be added to the appropriate group.

You can use git-review (dnf/yum/pip install). To initialize the directory of infrared execute git review -s. Every patch needs to have Change-Id in commit message (git review -s installs post-commit hook to automatically add one).

For some more info about git review usage, read GerritHub Intro and OpenStack Infra Manual.

Non Red Hatters

Non-RedHat Employees should file pull requests to the InfraRed project on GitHub.

Release Notes

Infrared uses reno tool for providing release notes. That means that a patch can include a reno file (release notes) containing detailed description what the impact is.

A reno file is a YAML file written in the releasenotes/notes directory which is generated using the reno tool this way:

$ tox -e venv -- reno new <name-your-file>
where <name-your-file> can be:
  • bugfix-<bug_name_or_id>
  • newfeature-<feature_name>
  • apichange-<description>
  • deprecation-<description>

Refer to the reno documentation for the full list of sections.

When a release note is needed

A release note is required anytime a reno section is needed. Below are some examples for each section. Any sections that would be blank should be left out of the note file entirely.

A configuration option change (deprecation, removal or modified default), changes in core that can affect users of the previous release. Any changes in the Infrared API.
If the patch fixes a known vulnerability
New feature in Infrared core or a new major feature in one of a core plugin. Introducing of the new API options or CLI flags.
Bugfixes categorized as Critical and above in Jira.
Bugs with high importance that have been fixed.

Three sections are left intentionally unexplained (prelude, issues and other). Those are targeted to be filled in close to the release time for providing details about the soon-ish release. Don’t use them unless you know exactly what you are doing.