

Clone infrared 2.0 from GitHub:

git clone

Make sure that all prerequisites are installed. Setup virtualenv and install from source using pip:

cd infrared
virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install .


It’s important to upgrade pip first, as default pip version in RHEL (1.4) might fail on dependencies


infrared will create a default workspace for you. This workspace will manage your environment details.


For development work it’s better to install in editable mode and work with master branch:

pip install -e .


In this example we’ll use virsh provisioner in order to demonstrate how easy and fast it is to provision machines using infrared.

Add the virsh plugin:

infrared plugin add plugins/virsh

Print virsh help message and all input options:

infrared virsh --help

For basic execution, the user should only provide data for the mandatory parameters, this can be done in two ways:

  1. CLI
  2. Answers File


Notice the only three mandatory paramters in virsh provisioner are:

  • --host-address - the host IP or FQDN to ssh to
  • --host-key - the private key file used to authenticate to your host-address server
  • --topology-nodes - type and role of nodes you would like to deploy (e.g: controller:3 == 3 VMs that will act as controllers)

We can now execute the provisioning process by providing those parameters through the CLI:

infrared virsh --host-address $HOST --host-key $HOST_KEY --topology-nodes "undercloud:1,controller:1,compute:1"

That is it, the machines are now provisioned and accessible:

TASK [update inventory file symlink] *******************************************
                     [[ previous task time: 0:00:00.306717 = 0.31s / 209.71s ]]
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
compute-0                  : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0
controller-0               : ok=5    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0
localhost                  : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0
undercloud-0               : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0
hypervisor                   : ok=85   changed=29   unreachable=0    failed=0

                     [[ previous task time: 0:00:00.237104 = 0.24s / 209.94s ]]
                     [[ previous play time: 0:00:00.555806 = 0.56s / 209.94s ]]
               [[ previous playbook time: 0:03:29.943926 = 209.94s / 209.94s ]]
                    [[ previous total time: 0:03:29.944113 = 209.94s / 0.00s ]]


You can also use the auto-generated ssh config file to easily access the machines

Answers File

Unlike with CLI, here a new answers file (INI based) will be created. This file contains all the default & mandatory parameters in a section of its own (named virsh in our case), so the user can easily replace all mandatory parameters. When the file is ready, it should be provided as an input for the --from-file option.

Generate Answers file for virsh provisioner:

infrared virsh --generate-answers-file virsh_prov.ini

Review the config file and edit as required:

host-key = Required argument. Edit with any value, OR override with CLI: --host-key=<option>
host-address = Required argument. Edit with any value, OR override with CLI: --host-address=<option>
topology-nodes = Required argument. Edit with one of the allowed values OR override with CLI: --topology-nodes=<option>
host-user = root


host-key, host-address and topology-nodes don’t have default values. All arguments can be edited in file or overridden directly from CLI.


Do not use double quotes or apostrophes for the string values in the answers file. Infrared will NOT remove those quotation marks that surround the values.

Edit mandatory parameters values in the answers file:

host-key = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
host-address =
topology-nodes = undercloud:1,controller:1,compute:1
host-user = root

Execute provisioning using the newly created answers file:

infrared virsh --from-file=virsh_prov.ini


You can always overwrite parameters from answers file with parameters from CLI:

infrared virsh --from-file=virsh_prov.ini --topology-nodes="undercloud:1,controller:1,compute:1,ceph:1"

Done. Quick & Easy!


Now let’s demonstrate the installation process by deploy an OpenStack environment using RHEL-OSP on the nodes we have provisioned in the previous stage.


First, we need to enable the tripleo-undercloud plugin:

infrared plugin add plugins/tripleo-undercloud

Just like in the provisioning stage, here also the user should take care of the mandatory parameters (by CLI or INI file) in order to be able to start the installation process. Let’s deploy a TripleO Undercloud:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --version 10 --images-task rpm

This will deploy OSP 10 (Newton) on the node undercloud-0 provisioned previously.

Infrared provides support for upstream RDO deployments:

infrared tripleo-undercloud --version pike --images-task=import \

This will deploy RDO Pike version (OSP 11) on the node undercloud-0 provisioned previously. Of course it is possible to use --images-task=build instead.


Like previously, need first to enable the associated plugin:

infrared plugin add plugins/tripleo-overcloud

Let’s deploy a TripleO Overcloud:

infrared tripleo-overcloud --deployment-files virt --version 10 --introspect yes --tagging yes --deploy yes

infrared cloud-config --deployment-files virt --tasks create_external_network,forward_overcloud_dashboard,network_time,tempest_deployer_input

This will deploy OSP 10 (Newton) overcloud from the undercloud defined previously previously. Given the topology defined by the Answers File earlier, the overcloud should contain: - 1 controller - 1 compute - 1 ceph storage